Home Interval Timer App

Interval Timer App

Interval Timer

Supported platforms

  • iOS/iPadOS
  • watchOS
  • tvOS
  • macOS

Technology that went into making this app

  • TCA
  • SwiftUI
  • SPM
  • XcodeGen
  • Xcode Cloud
  • AppIcon and App Store screenshots are generated with SwiftUI

Elevate Your Workouts with Interval Timer


Discover a game-changing fitness companion - Interval Timer. This app redefines High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts, offering efficiency and customization for all fitness levels.

Efficient and Customizable Workouts

Interval Timer puts you in control with customizable work and rest intervals, repetitions, and sets. Tailor your sessions to match your capabilities and goals, ensuring a workout that’s just right for you.

Visual and Auditory Cues for Precision

Stay focused with clear on-screen prompts and customizable sound notifications that guide you through each interval, ensuring you make the most of every session.

Seamless Integration into Your Routine

With its user-friendly interface, Interval Timer effortlessly fits into your daily life. Start your workout with a few taps, whether you’re at the gym, home, or outdoors.


Interval Timer is the ultimate fitness app for everyone, from beginners to seasoned athletes. Download it now from the App Store and experience a new level of intensity and results in your HIIT and Tabata workouts. Your body will thank you.

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